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Many of the women on this site are sex-starved single moms and housewives looking to drop their panties for anyone who is willing to fuck them. They could be your friends, neighbors, or someone else you know in real life. Do you agree to keep their identities a secret?

These women have asked that we not allow men seeking serious relationships to join the site. They want sex, not a new husband. Will you comply with this request?

Do you agree to practice safe sex with the women you hook up with from the site?

Are you at least 21 years old?

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Matching you with women in your area…


You qualify for a free membership to our site.
Before we can show you your matches, you must agree to the following rules:

If you see someone you know, you may not reveal their identity to anyone.
You must use condoms every time you have sex with a member you met on the site.
Be respectful of your fellow member’s sexual preferences.
These are real women, not escorts or pornstars.
If you agree to these rules, click the “Continue” button to create your free profile.